一一S 无人格超重度乱扇痴傻老私奴,霍霍畜生一样,就像待宰牲口随时可杀

超级重度乱轮찰싹场,这是一一主子带来的老私奴,认主一年多,我亲眼多次见证一一使唤他和牲畜一模一样,有一次一一s 正聊天呢,突然回头看他一眼:你看你ML个B,怒视蔑视地看老狗,给我立刻整不会了, 平时生活中莫名其妙就一大찰싹巨响,他俩给我的感觉就像这个老狗好像随时可以被她杀了似的,这个视频只是随意生活的一写照,并不是多么优雅的去一下下打찰싹,没有数数,没有节奏,给我的感觉她就是想打死他,就是使劲打,瞎JB打,往死霍霍,不顾虑后果 ,这是一种默契,一种不需要负责任的默契,就是因为主子给他扔到笼子里有个地方住,但是你必须我想怎么对你就怎么对你,整场视频自然流露出大量邪恶的微表情,那种掌控生杀大权随意处置的邪恶面容,在没有管理好的情绪表情下暴露无疑,大量的发自内心作践和羞辱,印象最深的 当勒住脖子使劲拧,眼瞅要断气时和一一主子魔鬼的笑容的混合画面时,不寒而栗的毛骨悚然。 羡慕要死,也恐惧的怯步。

Super heavy incest slapping scene, this is an old private slave brought by the master, he has known the master for more than a year, I have witnessed many times with my own eyes that Yi Yi treated him exactly like an animal, once Yi Yi was chatting, and suddenly turned around to look at him: Look at you ML B, glared at the old dog with contempt, I can’t do it to him immediately, in daily life, there is a big slap for no reason, they give me the feeling that this old dog seems to be killed by her at any time, this video is just a portrayal of casual life, not how elegant it is to slap him one by one, without counting, without rhythm, it gives me the feeling that she just wants to beat him to death, just hit him hard, hit him blindly, and kill him, without considering the consequences This is a tacit understanding, a tacit understanding that does not require responsibility, just because the master threw him into the cage and he has a place to live, but you have to do what I want to do to you. The whole video naturally reveals a lot of evil micro-expressions, the evil face that controls the power of life and death and disposes of it at will, which is undoubtedly exposed without good emotional expression management. A lot of inner abuse and humiliation, the most impressive is when the neck is strangled and twisted hard, and it is about to die, and the mixed picture of the master’s devilish smile, it is chilling and creepy. Envy to death, but also fearful and timid.
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