官网独立视频正片72部(约3小时+,几乎全是훈련,小姐姐露脸颜值高,脚美袜子臭,内心扭曲玩得6!全程高能!) + 官网高清2K/4K照片436张


说起YoungGoddess的这位人美脚臭颜值高的00后俄罗斯小姐姐,相信大家应该都并不陌生!我们都被这个长着一副好孩子面孔的软甜00后小姐姐给骗了!她的内心。。。其实很扭曲。。。属于那种虐起人来什么都不管不顾的类型。。。本来我一直以为她只会在自己的公寓里简单调教一下私奴小胖,没有什么重口或者太出格的东西,毕竟就是个乖乖女嘛!但,显然是我天真了,事实太过出乎意料!这位“乖乖女”小姐姐,其实是什么重口玩什么——学校女厕所调教男奴舔鞋발 핥기、商场试衣间调教贱奴脱臭袜子吃脚泥(脚泥太清晰、超狠)+闻屁股、电影院让m趴地上踩着脑袋闻臭鞋窝、夜跑让m在户外磕头踹脸+用舌头刷鞋底、野外泥地让贱奴啃鞋底上的泥吃、臭스타킹脚长筒皮靴玩“面罩吸氧”、健身房重度新鲜臭棉袜汗脚羞辱贱狗、旅行途中让狗m大口吃她换下来没洗的巨臭棉袜(用臭袜子把m的狗嘴都撑爆了!)+舔换下来的鞋脏的鞋底、甚至用原味脚趾头给狗奴“刷牙”等等。这位00后小姐姐真的对用原味臭袜子、臭鞋和臭汗脚羞辱奴隶有着一种变态的执着,臭袜子捂鼻、挂鼻、勒鼻、踩鼻、塞嘴、咀嚼、爆嘴、抽脸;臭鞋扣脸、舌头刷鞋、啃鞋底、面罩吸氧窒息;原味汗脚闻、舔、插嘴、夹鼻、搓脸、捂脸窒息等等。臭袜子穿得很真实,纯粹脚汗混合着脚垢的原生态臭袜子,绝非刻意为之,不同的鞋子、不同的袜子、不同的季节,穿出不同的颜色——穿到扔地上能立起来的长期不洗的运动臭棉袜、脚汗过多穿到发黄掉渣的日常白棉袜、皮靴黑丝逛街后沾满脚泥脚屑发白的原味臭丝袜、以及脱了臭袜子闪耀油光的原味裸足汗脚脚底。。。这些全是狗m日常必须用嘴舔净的。。。而最让人诧异的是,即使如此过分、歇斯底里地羞辱玩弄着m,这位俄罗斯小姐姐脸上却始终都带着那标致性的甜美而淡然的微笑!!如果只拍表情,不拍她在干什么,你会以为她是个纯情似水、玉洁冰清的无暇少女!!!你根本不可能想象到当时她正用脚把嘴里含着她臭袜子的m的狗脸踩进她那散发着温热脚汗气息的臭鞋窝里!!!我当时情绪就爆炸了。。。我就想问,小姐姐,你在这么羞辱别人时,脸上还带着那绿茶+圣母的纯情微笑是怎么个意思啊?你也太能骗人了!m都快被你玩死了。。。你还在这装什么好孩子啊?在学校女厕所调教男奴,阅片无数的ogloc都是第一次见啊,你这。。。说到这里,ogloc不禁心头一颤,顿时哑然无语了——是啊,有多少直男硬汉,最终都是败在在绿茶、圣母、农夫山泉“女表”们的脚下,被折磨得死去活来呢。。。什么才是真正的强大?外表强横霸道的大男人,在这些资深心机女们眼中,或许也只不过是毫无还手之力的待宰羔羊而已。。。连一根手指都不用动,只需一个眼神,就能轻而易举地把你踩在脚下肆意折磨玩弄。也难怪这位俄罗斯00后小姐姐能一直笑得那么若无其事。不要天真的以为她是在对你微笑,其实她只不过是习惯了在你这种弱小的蝼蚁面前保持尊贵的高傲而已!调教的内容基本上都是以视频形式展现的,而且视频中绝大多数的时长都是调教的内容,所以这次的截图就只列出了视频截图,而未列出照片样张。至于照片的内容,留给大家下载后自行观看吧,4K超高清图片的细节真的是非常丰富。

Speaking of YoungGoddess, this Russian girl born in the 2000s with beautiful feet, smelly feet, and good looks, I believe everyone is familiar with her! Her heart, however, is actually very twisted. She is the type who will abuse people without caring about anything. Initially, I always thought that she would just briefly train the little fat slave in her own apartment. There was nothing harsh or too outrageous. After all, she was just a good girl! However, obviously I was naive, the fact was too unexpected! This “good girl” girl actually plays hardcore games – she trains a male slave to lick his shoes and feet in the girls’ restroom in the school, and trains a cheap slave in the fitting room of the shopping mall to take off his smelly socks and eat the foot mud (the foot mud is too clear and very cruel) + Smell the butt, let m lie down on the ground and step on his head in the movie theater to smell the stinky shoe nests, make m kowtow and kick his face outdoors during night running + brush the soles with his tongue, let the bitch slave chew the mud on the soles in the mud in the wild, and have long legs with smelly stockings Leather boots play “oxygen mask”, humiliate a bitch with heavy fresh smelly cotton socks in the gym with sweaty feet, let dog M eat the unwashed smelly cotton socks she changed during the trip (use the smelly socks to burst M’s dog’s mouth) (!) + lick the dirty soles of the replaced shoes, and even use the original toes to “brush the dog slave’s teeth”, etc. This post-00s young lady really has a perverted obsession with humiliating slaves with original smelly socks, smelly shoes and smelly sweaty feet. The smelly socks cover the nose, hang the nose, strangle the nose, step on the nose, stuff the mouth, chew, and explode the mouth., slap in the face; buttoning the face with smelly shoes, brushing the shoes with the tongue, chewing on the soles, suffocating with oxygen inhalation through a mask; smelling the original sweaty feet, licking, gagging, pinching the nose, rubbing the face, covering the face, suffocating, etc. The smelly socks are very real. The original smelly socks are pure foot sweat mixed with foot dirt. They are definitely not intentional. Different shoes, different socks, different seasons, and different colors – you can wear them even if you throw them on the ground. Sports stinky cotton socks that have not been washed for a long time, ordinary white cotton socks that have turned yellow and flaked due to excessive foot sweat, original smelly stockings with black leather boots that are stained with mud and foot flakes and turned white after shopping, and those that have been taken off Smelly socks shine with oily original bare feet and sweaty soles. These are all things that dogs must lick clean with their mouths every day. And the most surprising thing is that even though she humiliated and played with her so excessively and hysterically, this Russian lady always had that beautiful, sweet and indifferent smile on her face! If you only take pictures of her expressions and not what she is doing, you will think that she is an innocent and flawless girl!!! You can’t possibly imagine that she was using her feet to step on M’s doggy face with her smelly socks in her mouth into her smelly shoe nest that smelled of warm foot sweat!!! My emotions exploded at that time… I just want to ask, little sister, when you humiliate others like this, you still have that innocent smile of green tea + the Virgin on your face. What do you mean? You are so good at lying! I trained a male slave in the school girls’ restroom and read countless videos. This is the first time I’ve seen ogloc, you… At this point, ogloc couldn’t help but trembled in his heart and was speechless – yes, how many straight men and tough guys were ultimately defeated at the feet of the “female watches” of Green Tea, Holy Mother, and Nongfu Spring, and were tortured to death…. What is true strength? A man who looks domineering may, in
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