婉儿原创실크 풋훈련视频下载 | 死亡家教课之검은 실크다리 비틀기杀学生深度晕厥 中英文字幕
本以为这是一场普通的다리 비틀기课,当课程上到一分钟以后,我发现这节课不简单,甚至是我职业生涯中最惊心动魄的一次!见过N多次粉丝被我绞晕的场面,就是这次让我惊慌失措最为严重!这节课明显是在考验我,由于这名粉丝从头到位几乎没有回应我,所以准备的剧情只能是我个人的独角戏,本期视频主打的就是一个尬和一个不要命,腿绞课一1直得不到回应,是非常危险的一件事!我无法判断被绞的人是否承受的住,或者已经晕厥陷入昏迷当中,这个臭小子就这么放心把命交给我久!我真的会谢谢!全程晕厥两次,都是同一个动作让他昏死过去,这个动作还没有人被绞晕过!这两次晕都是深度晕,晕的时间非常的久!久到我已经想打120了!!!第一次晕还把摄像头给踢翻了!即便我再小心翼翼,第二次还是晕了,掐人中才苏醒!分明是在考验我的心脏承受力吧!借此,我要提醒上课的粉丝,一定要给回应!受不了一定要说话!

Wan’er’s original silk foot training video download | Death Tutoring Class: Black Silk Legs Strangulate Student Deeply Fainting Chinese and English Subtitles
(Suzhou Xiaowan, 2001, height 166cm, weight 48cm)
I thought this was an ordinary leg twisting class, but one minute into the class, I discovered that this class was not simple, it was even the most thrilling class in my career! I have seen many fans being knocked unconscious by me, but this time I was the most panicked! This class is obviously a test for me. Since this fan barely responded to me from the beginning, the plot I prepared can only be my personal one-man show. The main theme of this video is an embarrassing and a life-threatening, leg-twisting class 1 It is very dangerous to not get a response! I couldn’t tell whether the person who was hanged could bear it or whether he had fainted and fallen into a coma. This brat just trusted me with his life! I would really appreciate it! He fainted twice during the whole process, both times using the same action. No one has ever been choked unconscious by this action! These two halos were both deep halos and lasted for a very long time! It’s been so long that I already want to call 120! ! ! The first time I fainted, I even kicked the camera over! No matter how careful I was, I still fainted the second time and had to pinch someone to wake up! It’s obviously testing my heart’s endurance! With this, I would like to remind fans who attend the class to respond! If you can’t stand it, you must speak!
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