大小:25 GB(74个独立MP4视频文件+美珍女王独家照片12张)


简单介绍一下这位Princess MJ—— MJ是韩文发音Mijin的缩写,翻译成汉语的名字是“美珍”,这位韩国准素人女王的훈련带有非常浓重的韩国文化色彩,基本可以肯定她在学生时代就是个霸凌者,她的调教带有非常明显的霸凌痕迹。基本上你在韩国电影里看到过的那些前辈欺负后辈、领导欺凌下属的暴力行为,在她身上都有很真实的体现。对于奴隶,她真的是会随手抄起任何东西就往脑袋上打!一边打,一边骂,越打越使劲骂,越骂越使劲打!奴隶挨打或者被踩被踹时,不仅要跪好,而且要把手放在背后,老老实实地任由美珍打骂!就像韩国电影里黑帮教训小弟一样!拖鞋、하이힐、钱、臭袜子、水瓶、木棍,这些东西抄起来就往奴隶脸上抽、头上打!而且绝对不是逢场作戏,她真的很会打人、欺负人,让对方痛苦和害怕,与很多女王“啪啪”打得很响但是不疼正相反!美珍很懂得如何一下把人打疼!比如用拖鞋打奴隶时,她用拖鞋底子抽奴隶嘴巴子之前,先把拖鞋竖起来用拖鞋外沿狠凿狗奴的天灵盖!用这种连环击打的方式很顺畅地揍人,绝对是欺负人的老手!不仅在第1季,第2季里美珍还是很喜欢用拖鞋暴抽贱狗,手法还是那么娴熟,那么刁钻。而且在本季中美珍在踢奴屁股时的用心才叫可怕,用脚尖以正中红心的方式踢中贱奴的肛门。。。这真的是只有非常熟悉校园霸凌手法的人才能做出的事。。。熟悉校园霸凌的朋友们一定知道我在说什么。并且在第2季中,美珍还加入了一些情侣主羞辱的内容,会叫来她的男朋友一起对着镜头羞辱贱奴。算是比较轻口味的情侣主吧。而且第2季的内容里有不少是带有剧情的,对话有英文字幕,只要英文水平不是太差的朋友都能看懂。而没有剧情的调教则更偏向生活化了一些,比如美珍在打网游时的随机调教脚垫贱狗,美珍游戏打输了拿贱狗一顿暴踹撒气、把咖啡倒在脚上让贱奴喝下洗脚咖啡等等,各种玩法不胜枚举,更多精彩细节还是留给各位自行发现吧

Let me briefly introduce this Princess MJ – MJ is the abbreviation of the Korean pronunciation Mijin, and the name translated into Chinese is “Meizhen”. The training of this Korean quasi-amateur queen has a very strong Korean cultural flavor. It is basically certain that she is in She was a bully when she was a student, and her training showed very obvious signs of bullying. Basically, the violent behaviors you have seen in Korean movies where seniors bully juniors and leaders bully subordinates are all very realistically reflected in her. When it comes to slaves, she will literally pick up anything and hit her on the head! Beating and scolding at the same time, the more the beating, the harder the scolding, the more the scolding, the harder the beating! When a slave is beaten, stepped on or kicked, he must not only kneel down, but also put his hands behind his back and let Meizhen beat and scold him honestly! Just like the gangsters in Korean movies teach their younger brothers a lesson! Slippers, high heels, money, smelly socks, water bottles, wooden sticks, pick up these things and slap them on the slave’s face and head! And it’s definitely not just for fun, she really knows how to hit and bully people, making them suffer and frightened, which is the opposite of many queens who “slap” loudly but without pain! Meizhen knows how to hit someone so hard! For example, when beating the slave with a slipper, before she slaps the slave in the mouth with the sole of the slipper, she first puts the slipper up and uses the outer edge of the slipper to gouge the slave’s heavenly cap! He can beat people smoothly with this chain of blows, he is definitely a veteran in bullying! Not only in season 1, but also in season 2, Meizhen still likes to use slippers to beat bitches violently, and her technique is still so skillful and tricky. Moreover, in this season, Meizhen’s care in kicking the slave’s ass is terrifying. She uses her toes to kick the slave’s anus like a red heart. . . This is really something only someone who is very familiar with the techniques of school bullying can do. . . Friends who are familiar with school bullying must know what I am talking about. And in the second season, Meizhen also added some content of humiliating the couple master, and would call her boyfriend to humiliate the slave in front of the camera together. It can be considered a relatively light-tasting couple. Moreover, a lot of the content in Season 2 contains plots, and the dialogues have English subtitles, which can be understood by friends as long as their English proficiency is not too bad. The training without plot is more life-like. For example, when Meizhen was playing online games, she randomly trained the foot-pad bitch. When Meizhen lost the game, she kicked the bitch violently to vent her anger and poured coffee on her feet. The slave drinks foot-washing coffee, etc. There are countless ways to play. More exciting details are left to you to discover on your own.
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