婧児小主훈련视频下载 | 婧児主人的束缚TJ 高跟全体重踩头 脚下猎物任我宰割 中英双字幕
婧児将M装进袋子里 然后带上头套 里面漆黑一片 只有鼻子和嘴可以呼吸~ 哼小贱货 ~ 又载到主人手里了吧~ 被主人绑的 动也动不了~了啊啊 你先挣扎一下给主人看看来 嗯哈哈哈哈 挣扎不了了是吧~嗯? 主人就喜欢把你绑起来 折磨你~让你生不如死啊 让~主人好好的折磨折磨你啊 让主人开心开心~~爽一爽啊 就喜欢这样嗯 随意的~羞辱你 嗯折磨你~啊! 嗯?不把你当人 主人可以一边玩手机 一边聊着天一边折磨你啊 你能怎么样呢啊 什么都看不见你~身体都密封起来了 全身都踩在你个贱货的头上~!嗯嗯 哈哈哈~看你能坚持多久?嗯? 贱货啊被束缚住的感觉怎么样啊? 爽不爽~害不害怕? 主人想怎么折磨你就怎么折磨你~嗯 你就是待宰的羔羊啊 任人宰割啊 因为你动也动不了 告诉主人你是不是特别无助 这才刚开始呢 窒息啊这货嗯 扇死你嗯 踹死你嗯 还想跑~? 往哪跑了啊 哈哈是不是眼睛已经冒金星了 就喜欢折磨你啊 就喜欢看你想跑的样子 哈哈哈哈哈哈 想跑就跑不了的蠢样子!啊挣扎呀~!嗯嗯 主人就喜欢~ 看你这样贱货求我的贱样子
踩在你脸上 让你窒息 哈哈哈 主人不喜欢没用的~贱货啊啊 你告诉主人是不是害怕了 嗯嗯哈哈
在主人脚下死去吧 啊被主人 被踩死还是窒息而死啊 你选一个啊 贱货让我解决了你啊 至于你~~
也会同样的方法 同样凄惨的死在主人的脚下 嗯这就是你的下场~~

Jing’er put M into the bag and donned the hood, enveloping himself in pitch-black darkness. M could only breathe through his nose and mouth~ “Hehe, little bitch~” He was now once again in the hands of the master, his body tightly bound~ Ah, M struggled first. The master observed with amusement, “Hahaha, you can’t struggle, right~ eh?” The master relished the act of tying M up and inflicting pain~ His life was made worse than death, and he was tortured by the master~ It was so exhilarating! “I like it casually,” he casually remarked. He demeaned M and inflicted torment! “Huh? If I don’t treat you as my master, I can torture you while playing on my phone and chatting. What can you do? I can’t see anything about your body. It’s all sealed up, and I’m stepping all over you bitch’s head~! Uh-huh, hahaha~ Let’s see how long you can hold on? Huh? Bitch, how does it feel to be restrained? Are you happy or not? Are you scared? The master can torture you as much as he wants~ Well, you are a lamb to be slaughtered. Because you can’t move, tell the master if you are particularly helpless. This is just the beginning. Suffocate, this guy. Well, slap you to death. Well, kick him. Damn it, you still want to run~? Where are you running? Haha, stars are popping out of your eyes. I just like to torture you. I like to see you trying to run. Hahahahaha, you are so stupid that you can’t run even if you want to! Ah the struggle~! Yeah, yeah, the master likes it~ Look at the way you, a bitch like you, beg me Step on your face and suffocate you. Hahaha. The master doesn’t like useless bitches. Are you afraid of telling the master? Hahaha. Die at the master’s feet. Be trampled to death by the master or be suffocated. You choose one. Bitch, let me finish you. As for you, you will use the same method and die miserably at the feet of your master. Well, this is your fate~~”
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