초여름의 여신 | 큰스타킹캔버스화在山野之忧伤的我遇见忧伤的森林(带视频)

在这期的《초여름의 여신》中,큰为我们带来了一个与众不同的山野冒险。这不是一次简单的집 밖의摄影,而是一个充满情感与故事的展示。

In this issue of “Early Summer Goddess”, Dafa brings us a unique mountain adventure. This is not a simple outdoor photography, but a display full of emotions and stories.
At the beginning of the video, Dafa was wearing simple casual clothes and a pair of ordinary canvas shoes. The stockings on his legs became the finishing touch of this mountain adventure. She walked through the quiet forest, as if looking for the place that could heal her soul.
As the camera progresses, we see Dafa’s legs covered in stockings. This special combination gives the audience a brand new visual experience. The combination of canvas shoes and stockings is a fusion of modernity and classics, a combination of ordinary and extraordinary.
Deep in the forest, Dafa has a special interaction with nature. Every time she took a step, the forest seemed to sing and dance for her. And she was like a part of this forest, blending into it and becoming it.
But the deeper level is the emotional exchange between Dafa and this forest. This forest is like a world full of sorrow, and Dafa is the one searching for answers in it. Every movement and every look in her eyes tells the story of her deep sadness and search.
Overall, this is a work full of emotions and stories. Dafa’s performance was outstanding. She not only showed her beauty, but also her emotions and stories. “The Goddess of Early Summer” brings us a journey deep into the soul, allowing us to feel the charm and power of nature again.
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