超S·联盟 | 시닝女神颜面压迫大다리 비틀기杀 흰색 양말여왕체조복페이스시팅훈련비디오 다운로드
汐柠s原创经典作品之一,力量与美的完美结合。整个作品分为两部分,颜面压迫(페이스시팅)与다리 비틀기窒息,汐柠小主身穿日系체조복,将大腿的肌肉完美展示出来,前半部分为了让大家更为直观的体验坐脸的痛苦,完美采用了双机位独立拍摄,后期在制作时候又将两机位的画面达到逐帧同步,使全景与局部的特写合二为一。另外汐柠小主每一次颜面压迫的时候都有一个小细节,就是用手将臀部两侧的肉拨开,坐下去后再松手,使得臀部完全将男M的口鼻封住毫无缝隙,全身被禁锢的男M只能在汐柠s的屁股下挣扎。后面的腿绞部分也十分精彩,汐柠能准确的将掌握的几个腿绞窒息动作都做到位,男演的脸都被勒白了,确实是真的达到窒息状态,最终被汐柠小主折磨得昏死过去。(本片中还有彩蛋呢,每次汐柠小主自拍后都有原图放送)

One of Xi Ning’s original classic works, a perfect combination of power and beauty. The whole work is divided into two parts, facial oppression (face sitting) and leg suffocation. The main character Xi Ning wears a Japanese gymnastics suit, which perfectly shows off her thigh muscles. The first half is designed to allow everyone to experience the pain of face sitting more intuitively. , perfectly adopted the independent shooting of two cameras. During the post-production, the images of the two cameras were synchronized frame by frame, so that the panorama and local close-ups were combined into one. In addition, every time Mistress Xi Ning presses her face, she has a small detail, which is to use her hands to spread the flesh on both sides of her buttocks, and then let go after sitting down, so that her buttocks completely seal the male M’s mouth and nose without any gaps. The man, whose whole body was imprisoned, could only struggle under Xi Ning’s ass. The leg twisting part at the back was also very exciting. Xi Ning was able to accurately master several leg twisting and suffocating movements. The actor’s face was turned white. He really reached the state of suffocation, and was finally beaten by Xi Ning. The Lord was tortured until he fainted. (There are also Easter eggs in this film. Every time Xi Ning takes a selfie, the original picture will be shown)
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