チーチー女性主人公ハイヒール踏みつけトレーニングSM视频下载 伤口高跟循环碾踩 血肉模糊 肉粒翻出 真正意义的麻木羞辱残忍
挑战我自己前面拍过的那部史诗级高跟踏みつけ,チーチー的这部伤口循环高跟碾踩,没有更好,只有最好,她擅长的麻木羞辱是大家最爱的一点,无时无刻不出戏地把我们代入到真实的当狗 氛围中,青春的脸庞残忍的手段也是让所有狗心甘情愿死她折磨之下,如果上头了,你就死定了。只是开头不久,锋利的ハイヒール就把M胸部撕开一大块肉,血红的伤口狰狞恐怖,肉粒都浮漏在表面清晰可见,齐齐接下来就是高跟全体重站在身上同时,再用另一只锋利的高跟无限地碾,无限地踩,无限地去划那个伤口,动态图中M绝望的表情,是恐惧,还是生无可恋?由于高跟的锋利,当每下一脚踩一下,深深的鞋印清澈呈现在白皙的皮肤中,鞋印中范着血印,范着破皮,半个多小时,两个狗子完美洁白的身体皮肤被霍霍的满目疮痍,视觉冲击拉满到极致,再加上齐齐无敌的全程侮辱,又一神片降临!婚纱体现出女人是作为社会男性配偶的柔弱娇羞和美丽,但和她的凶狠残忍麻木不仁搭配出了一道视觉灵魂的反差风,一种说不出来的违和感。

Challenging the epic high-heeled trampling I filmed before, Qiqi’s wounds are repeatedly trampled by high heels. There is no better, only the best. Her numb humiliation is what everyone loves the most. She puts us into the real atmosphere of being a dog all the time. The cruel means of her youthful face also make all dogs willing to die under her torture. If you get too excited, you are dead. It was just that soon after the beginning, the sharp high heels tore a large piece of meat from M’s chest. The bloody wound was hideous and terrifying, and the flesh particles were clearly visible on the surface. Qiqi then stood on the body with her full weight on the high heels, and then used another sharp high heel to infinitely crush, infinitely trample, and infinitely scratch the wound. M’s desperate expression in the dynamic picture, is it fear, or is it despair? Because of the sharpness of the high heels, every time you step on them, deep shoe prints are clearly visible on the fair skin, with blood and broken skin in the shoe prints. For more than half an hour, the perfect white skin of the two dogs was bruised and battered, and the visual impact was maximized to the extreme. Coupled with the invincible insults throughout the whole process, another great film has arrived! The wedding dress reflects the fragility, shyness and beauty of women as the spouses of men in society, but it is matched with her fierceness, cruelty and indifference, creating a contrast of visual souls, an indescribable sense of disobedience.
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