女S寒い夜女性SMトレーニング视频下载 超级无敌的顶级殴打 动作快,狠,疼,真实的打狗怀疑人生,停止挣扎

寒夕超级无敌的顶级殴打,只有寒夕才可以做到的真正霸凌,什么叫殴打,什么叫暴力,打打停停什么的全是花架势,咱们M真正崇拜的是那种体力卓越的,战斗力无数,魅力值顶级,攻击力强悍的 暴力大美女,来对我们施加 无可反抗,逼得我们筋疲力尽后却只能顺命接受的感觉, 难道不是吗?这不是我们内心深处的幻想吗? 但是,真能做到如此的又屈指可数,放眼这个美女娇生惯养 走两步路就累的气喘的年代,同时具备 独立 殴打人半小时,技能完整换花样折磨虐待人,(提档,膝顶,踩着手大嘴巴子,爆踹头 等等等等等)开心的爽充斥她全身细胞,她所用的招式是我在介绍里文字真的形容不出来的,饶恕我也有词穷的时候,我就是感觉,当她在打人 做任何动作时,整个画面就像是完整的一幅画,在我眼里就是活生生的艺术,她不是某些S在向大家展示什么,不是为了打人而打人,也不是为了向咱们展示我是女S,我会暴力,她就是在很爽很特么爽的在虐待施打一个人,一个沙包,可以不负责任的随意揍,不去考虑你能否承受,只用她最大的力气去施加伤害,给自己带来巨大的快感,那种释放了自己天性的兴奋,好像激活了多巴胺,这种感觉是纯粹的。漂亮的虐打动作不拖泥带水,流利利索让狗子无法出戏,就是真实的被暴揍被暴打中,她不会给你一刻休息喘息,就是在不停的折磨,提档剧痛倒地抓着头发拽起来继续爆提档,起初狗子会痛苦会挣扎,但当过了那个承受度后,其实,咱们就不会再过度反抗了, 而这个 就是我们口中所谓的开发。女S的基因,其实和我们也一样, 出生时就从娘胎带来了。

Han Xi’s super invincible top-level beating, the real bullying that only Han Xi can do, what is beating, what is violence, beating and stopping are all fancy moves, what we M really admire is the kind of violent beauty with excellent physical strength, countless fighting power, top charm value, and strong attack power, who can impose on us without resistance, forcing us to be exhausted and have no choice but to accept the feeling, isn’t it? Isn’t this the fantasy deep in our hearts? However, there are only a handful of people who can really do so. Looking at this age where beautiful women are spoiled and get out of breath after walking two steps, yet she is able to independently beat people for half an hour, using a full range of skills to torture and abuse people in different ways (lifting gears, kneeing, stepping on hands and slapping people, kicking heads, etc., etc.). Happiness fills every cell of her body. The moves she uses are really beyond what I can describe in the words in the introduction. Please forgive me for being at a loss for words. I just feel that when she is beating people and doing any action, the whole picture is like a complete painting, which is living art in my eyes. She is not some S showing something to everyone, not beating people for the sake of beating people, nor is she showing us that I am a female S and I can be violent. She just feels so good abusing and beating a person, a sandbag, and can beat you at will without responsibility, without considering whether you can bear it, and just use her greatest strength to inflict damage, which brings herself great pleasure, the excitement of releasing her own nature, as if dopamine has been activated, and this feeling is pure. The beautiful beating action is not dragged, and it is smooth and neat so that the dog can’t get out of the play. It is really being beaten. She will not give you a moment to rest and breathe. She is just torturing non-stop. She falls to the ground in severe pain and grabs her hair to pull her up and continue to beat her. At first, the dog will be in pain and struggle, but when it exceeds that tolerance, in fact, we will no longer resist excessively, and this is what we call development. The genes of female S are actually the same as ours. They are brought from the womb when we are born.
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