女S寒夕女王SM调教视频下载 回旋踢脚耳光专场 扑克牌插进嘴里锋利如刀 痛苦撕心裂肺
寒夕史上唯一一次脚耳光专场,也是披头踹脸的一场,对美女S上头最大的坏处就是,当她知道你为她痴迷时,她会毫不顾忌的打死你,就像现实生活中的舔狗备胎被女人往死压榨炸金一样。活脱脱的脑袋就像一个皮球 踹着 蹬着,寒夕是众女S中武功最高的一个,她的打人力度大家都知晓,每一击重耳光都是短暂的休克昏迷,整场下来左边口腔红肿糜烂(真实),最要命的是寒夕临时想的玩法,把扑克牌放到嘴中,脚耳光回旋踢的踹出去,但是她不知道的是,每一张扑克牌在飞踹中都是锋利的刀子,一张一张地划着狗子的嘴,我眼睁睁看着他疼痛但是却不敢吱声的表情,因为崇拜,所以恐惧。在整个拍摄中,我的心也是跟着揪着,39的大脚,用着各种花样的姿势踹着 砸着,
完美的脚耳光专场 ,超级重度场, 大量手耳光,喜欢这类 被强压 爆虐的 尽管观看,不会后悔。
The only time in history that Han Xi slapped someone in the face was also a scene where she kicked someone in the face. The biggest disadvantage of being obsessed with a beautiful S is that when she knows you are obsessed with her, she will beat you to death without any scruples, just like the licking dog spare tire in real life being squeezed to death by women. The head was kicked and kicked like a ball. Han Xi is the most skilled among all the female Ss. Everyone knows how hard she hits people. Every hard slap caused a short shock and coma. The left side of her mouth was swollen and eroded (real) after the whole scene. The most fatal thing was the way Han Xi thought of playing on the spur of the moment, putting a poker card in her mouth, slapping it with a roundhouse kick, but what she didn’t know was that every poker card was a sharp knife in the flying kick, cutting the dog’s mouth one by one. I watched his expression of pain but not daring to say a word, because of admiration, so fear. During the whole shooting, my heart was also in a knot. The big feet of 39 were kicking and smashing in various postures. It was a perfect foot slapping scene, a super heavy scene, and a lot of hand slapping. If you like this kind of forced and violent scenes, just watch it and you won’t regret it.
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