Hehe | The dark system uses both grace and power

国产SM女王禾he调教视频下载 | 暗黑系恩威并施丝足调教
禾he | 暗黑系恩威并施 3

国产SM女王禾he调教视频下载 | 暗黑系恩威并施丝足调教

主题是以贴身诱惑和挑逗为主的视频,主题贯穿贴身诱惑挑逗与赏罚,视频场景气氛色调以及s和m的眼神 情绪动作全部烘托到位,视频感染力极强代入感十足,高潮迭起看点极高,专业s不一定在拍摄现场有足够的爆棚表现力,非专业的s又不太懂m想要的点及内容如何展现,此片包含以上所有内容。


禾he | 暗黑系恩威并施 4

备注 视频整体颜色是因环境情节需要刻意调的暗一些 为照顾到手机观看用户者,请手机观看视频者把手机屏幕亮度调到最高观看 否则视频在手机里会整体偏黑

Resource download
Download price 5 ft
VIP free
Do not decompress online, please download for local viewing.
Customer service contact information: footube.us@gmail.com
Appearing models:He
Download method:Baidu Skydisk
Extraction code problem
If the integrated link prompts that the extraction code is incorrect, please try the following steps:
· Delete the ?pwd=xxxx part of the URL in the browser address bar.
· Press Enter to refresh the page.
· Manually enter the last 4 characters of the original address (i.e. xxxx) as the extraction code.
If the extraction code characters contain the letter "x", the Baidu Cloud Disk extraction page may report an error. At this time, please refresh the page and manually enter the extraction code again.
Purchase and recharge
To purchase resources, you need to activate a membership or recharge in advance.
To open a membership or directly recharge, please see the menu at the top of the page or the personal center.
Once the recharge and membership purchase are completed, refunds are not supported, so please consume rationally.
File decompression and browsing
It is strictly prohibited to decompress and watch directly in Baidu Netdisk to avoid link failure and irreparability.
Please install Baidu Netdisk first, download the file to your mobile phone or computer, and then use professional decompression software (such as WinRAR) to decompress it.
The decompression function that comes with the mobile phone system or browser may cause errors. It is recommended to download a professional decompression tool from the app store.
You must use Baidu Netdisk to download, other tools may cause file damage.
Download speed for non-Baidu Netdisk members may be limited. If you need high-speed downloading, please upgrade to a Netdisk member.
The FAQ provides decompression tutorials for Android and Apple devices for reference.
After downloading, if there is no suffix, you need to rename the file first, add .7z and then decompress it. After decompressing, rename the file and add .mp4 suffix to play.
Link failure handling
If the download link fails, you can contact customer service by email to apply for a replacement or refund of the consumed FT value.
The resources on this site are only guaranteed to be viewed normally after being decompressed on a mobile phone or computer and do not provide support for online viewing.
For users who are not familiar with the operation, please check the FAQ tutorial before recharging to purchase.
This site is not responsible for problems caused by direct decompression in Baidu Netdisk (such as link failure).
Please strictly follow the above instructions to ensure normal use of resources.
Some resources are collected from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.
This site strictly prohibits any explicit or obscene content, please feel free to browse.
If any illegal content is found, please contact customer service in time for feedback. After verification, it will be deleted immediately and rewards will be given.
1 USD = 5 FT, 1 RMB = 1 FT , 年费会员全站免费绝无套路,全站资源半价卡 100 FT/年
Users who cannot use Baidu properly could become our Dropbox Subscription members and we can assist in transferring resources to Google Drive or Dropbox