Jing'er | VR Peeping Price 3 360 Panoramic Picture-in-Picture

Jing'er | VR Peeping Price 3 360 Panoramic Picture-in-Picture
Jing'er | VR peeping price 3 360 panoramic picture-in-picture 3

婧児老师 带着猥琐男的班主任 来到了关押地板男的地方~ 婧児走上来 对小意发难说 来看看 ~ 看看你们班学生 竟然敢躲在地板里偷窥我和我们班学生~ 你说怎么处置吧~ 婧児已经打开手机 要看看小意S班主任会怎么处理这个 猥琐男~! 小意S 穿着纯皮的暗金色高跟鞋 每天上班讲课 皮鞋里已经浸满了汗水的味道 。小陈啊 你真是太让老师失望了 竟然敢出这种事 被婧児老师教训是应该的 你看色狼都会被惩罚 我看啊你就让婧児老师好好地惩罚你把~ 可怜的地板男同学看到班主任 求饶 希望班主任可以求情 放过他 他已经知道错了~ 婧児老师说就让我和你班主任一起好好地惩罚惩罚你这个小色狼吧~! 说着抬起金黄色的高跟鞋碾踩在他的头上~!要轻一点呀 婧老师毕竟是我班的学生 别踩坏了~ 可话音刚落婧児抬起脚就狠狠地踩在 地板男的头上 说 我希望你也能用力的惩罚他 毕竟你也是他的老师呀 不能藏着掖着的 你说呢~ 小意老师 抬起脚 那老师就惩罚你一下吧 小意老师的高跟鞋直接踩在地板男的脸上 还别说呀 这个脚感还真是很好呀 那当然 这可是你们班的学生 我想惩罚更应该由你来执行吧 你说呢 小意老师~! 班主任 小意老师好像还蛮喜爱这种 脚感的 那么老师可要惩罚你了哟~!小意老师踩的越来越用力 你看你这个样子 老师还真是很痛心呢~ 虽然嘴上说 但是脚下碾踩在地板男的脸上的脚 动作却越发的自然起来~ 你还别说 不如你就待在里面 脚感是真的不错呀!~ 两个老师也开始一起惩罚起来可怜的地板脸 高跟鞋跺踩 来想不想体验一下老师高跟鞋里的丝袜脚呢 来 脱下鞋子扣在他的脸上~!班主任说看你这个样子呀 被踩成这样怎么看上去反而很享受呢 额? 对闻 尽情的闻 看你挣扎的样子还真是让人兴奋呢 不是喜欢偷窥吗 给我好好地闻 两个老师越玩越兴奋了~ 是不是很好闻啊 哈哈哈哈哈 你这个猥琐的陈同学啊~ 班主任看着脚下的地板 也丝毫没有了怜悯之心 丝袜脚踩在他的脸上两个人一起挤压碾动了起来~
来我们做个小游戏 脚紧紧的包裹住你的脸 我们来倒计时看看你会不会被憋晕过去 哈哈哈哈哈 竟然还有力气求饶呢~ 我告诉你现在婧老师已经把视频拍好了 要是交到校长那里 那你呀就没有机会了~ 我看啊你今天就在这里反省吧 明天 我来接你回老师的家里去!

Jing'er | VR Voyeur Price 3 360 Panoramic Picture-in-Picture 4

Visit vr360 official website https://www.insta360.com
to access the link to download the player for the corresponding mobile phone or computer, Android, Apple, Windows and macOS Apple computer system
to find insta360 player The corresponding client download address will be attached below the player.

这里也会做到VR视频内 加入近期的播放器版本在云 链接中

MacOS=Apple computer system
IOS. If the link is invalid, please search for insta360 player in the Apple APP Store on your mobile phone
and install the IOS app! After importing the video to your mobile phone,
use this software to open it, and you can use your mobile phone to watch VR videos. The effect is good, and you can watch it 360 degrees while moving!

The operation on the mobile phone is very simple. Open the insta360 player. Just follow the picture and click the plus sign in the upper right corner to select the local album to open the downloaded video and play it.


Resource download
Download price 4 ft
VIP free
Do not decompress online, please download for local viewing.
Customer service contact information: footube.us@gmail.com
Appearing models:Little Master Jing'er
Download method:Baidu Skydisk
Extraction code problem
If the integrated link prompts that the extraction code is incorrect, please try the following steps:
· Delete the ?pwd=xxxx part of the URL in the browser address bar.
· Press Enter to refresh the page.
· Manually enter the last 4 characters of the original address (i.e. xxxx) as the extraction code.
If the extraction code characters contain the letter "x", the Baidu Cloud Disk extraction page may report an error. At this time, please refresh the page and manually enter the extraction code again.
Purchase and recharge
To purchase resources, you need to activate a membership or recharge in advance.
To open a membership or directly recharge, please see the menu at the top of the page or the personal center.
Once the recharge and membership purchase are completed, refunds are not supported, so please consume rationally.
File decompression and browsing
It is strictly prohibited to decompress and watch directly in Baidu Netdisk to avoid link failure and irreparability.
Please install Baidu Netdisk first, download the file to your mobile phone or computer, and then use professional decompression software (such as WinRAR) to decompress it.
The decompression function that comes with the mobile phone system or browser may cause errors. It is recommended to download a professional decompression tool from the app store.
You must use Baidu Netdisk to download, other tools may cause file damage.
Download speed for non-Baidu Netdisk members may be limited. If you need high-speed downloading, please upgrade to a Netdisk member.
The FAQ provides decompression tutorials for Android and Apple devices for reference.
After downloading, if there is no suffix, you need to rename the file first, add .7z and then decompress it. After decompressing, rename the file and add .mp4 suffix to play.
Link failure handling
If the download link fails, you can contact customer service by email to apply for a replacement or refund of the consumed FT value.
The resources on this site are only guaranteed to be viewed normally after being decompressed on a mobile phone or computer and do not provide support for online viewing.
For users who are not familiar with the operation, please check the FAQ tutorial before recharging to purchase.
This site is not responsible for problems caused by direct decompression in Baidu Netdisk (such as link failure).
Please strictly follow the above instructions to ensure normal use of resources.
Some resources are collected from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.
This site strictly prohibits any explicit or obscene content, please feel free to browse.
If any illegal content is found, please contact customer service in time for feedback. After verification, it will be deleted immediately and rewards will be given.
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